
Telescope <img align=”left” width=”100” height=”100” src=>

Build Status CircleCI js-airbnb/prettier-style

A tool for tracking blogs in orbit around Seneca’s open source involvement. We will be working on updating this software and adding key features that can be found below listed ad MVP features.

An initial discussion of the project is available in the Overview document. For contribution, the docs can be found here Contribution

Quick Setup Guide

Clone the source locally:

$ git clone
$ cd telescope

Copy env.example to .env to create a new environment configuration. Replace default key values in .env with credentials.

Install project dependencies:

$ npm install

Test the app:

$ npm test

MVP Features

Getting the project legacy code

You may want a copy of the legacy project for later reading.

To grab a local copy of the legacy project.. you can run wget.

To build the project for yourself you can follow the instructions in the INSTALL file.


wget -r --no-parent


  1. Download wget binary here
  2. cd path/to/downloaded/wget
  3. wget -r --no-parent
